Wednesday 29 October 2008

Friends abroad

One of the many things I find special about travelling, is the opportunity to visit an old friend - someone I have known for years and years, who has settled in a new place, away from where we had met and befriended. Where I get a glimpse of his/her life abroad.

With friends like these, there is the comfort of being able to talk and walk however we want because none of that matters, because we are way beyond first impressions, because it is so easy to revert to our teenage years again, and the sillyness we grew up by.

Catching up again always give me insights, consolance, advice, a support of a different kind and inspiration. Whenever we speak of our dreams and the lives ahead of us; of the people we knew and know; of the incidents and occassions; and when we fit in the puzzles that had been almost forgotten...

The aftermath is that I'm always saddened by the idea that it may be quite a long time for another chance like this to crop up again, for an opportunity that could narrow the gap between our lives and the paths that we have each chosen for ourselves.

Nevertheless, I am always left awed, impressed and proud of my friends. That they have paved a way of their own, in an unfamiliar territory; that they have grown up; that they are still ambitious, still thoughtful, still chatty, and still childlike all at once.

While we lament about the days having gone, I learn from them to be strong enough to see that every bygone had been a stepping stone to something better and more...awesome.

It was such strength that I get from them, to really see and expect that any future would be different from now but in fact better, and it will be what it is meant to be.

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